About Nicole
I write, I drink coffee and I manage a household of boys. Not necessarily in that order.
With a degree in Marketing Communications and an advertising career in her rearview, Nicole de Nobriga found herself in the depths of motherhood with a messy bun in her hair and rhymes on her mind. Having launched dozens of advertising campaigns for her clients, it was time to invest in her biggest client yet…herself!
A lover of books, coffee and all things centred around her boys, Nicole is passionate about telling creative stories that help engage little readers. Her children's picture book series, Tate's Tales, is always fun, sometimes silly, and invariably teachable.
My discussion around early literacy on Global News Toronto:
Raising Readers is an important thing for most moms and dads. Self-published author Nicole de Nobriga, who is releasing a set of books called Tate's Tales, joins our show to talk tips and tricks to make this happen.

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